The Navig8R

"Guiding your organization on its journey to Net-Zero"

Create decarbonization strategies tailored to your business

Identify, prioritize, execute, and track actions to advance your decarbonization ambition.

Why Net Zero matters

At COP21 in 2015, 197 nations approved the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global temperature rise to below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C. Since pre-industrial times, temperatures have risen by 1°C. Net Zero, involving deep emission cuts and CO2 removal, is essential to meet these targets. Limiting warming to 1.5°C could mean significantly fewer people facing extreme heat, drought, and rising sea levels compared to 2°C warming. Net Zero is a crucial, long-term strategy for decarbonizing economies and addressing the climate emergency.

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Road to Net Zero

Why Net Zero ?

As the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis, there is an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

To keep the global temperature below 1.5℃, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that we must reduce global net anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

The transition to a net-zero economy, where the amount of greenhouse gases produced is equal to the amount removed from the atmosphere, is a crucial step in achieving this goal.

Why should you set a Net Zero traget?

Your Contribution Matters
This is your opportunity to become a climate leader by playing your role in the global decarbonization journey.
Shape Your Business Strategy
Drive innovation and increase your competitive edge as the momentum for businesses to set Net Zero targets continues to grow.
Strengthen Your Reputation
Companies are increasingly expected to take climate action. Setting Net Zero targets shows you’re taking responsibility.
Increase Investor Confidence
Financial institutions are increasingly factoring in carbon reductions when making investment decisions. They value credible commitments like a Net Zero target.
Reduce Costs
Delivering on Net Zero targets can deliver savings through lower energy costs.

The steps to setting a Net Zero target

Measure Emissions

Measure your company's global Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Align with the GHG Protocol for SBTi validation.

Set Net Zero Targets

Set long-term, science-based targets to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. Commit to SBTi and follow their guidelines.

Commit to Net Zero

Neutralize residual emissions by 2050 through greenhouse gas removals. Achieve near-zero emissions.

The Journey To Net Zero

Analysis Action

Planning Your starting point is defining your emissions baseline – all emissions you are directly or indirectly responsible for across your entire value chain – against which you will track your progress to net-zero. With this you can define a strategy and set a science-based target for emissions reduction

Carbon Neutrality

Transition Now Reduce your emissions across your value chain through efficiency measures, stakeholder engagement, renewable energy, and investments in business transformation. Offset any remaining emissions throughout your journey to demonstrate urgent climate action, support sustainable development and achieve carbon neutrality.

Net Zero

Achieving the target Achieve and maintain net zero by reducing your business emissions to zero or as close to as possible and removing carbon equivalent to any remaining emissions you have from the atmosphere.

The Vision Zero and beyond…

Increase your positive impact on the planet and society by maintaining net-zero emissions whilst continuing to invest in sustainable development and nature based solutions. To compensate for historical emissions.

Start on the right path

Whether your business is captured in a listed organisations supply chain or not, a flexible roadmap can help any environmentally conscious business create a plan that outlines the steps needed to take to become carbon net zero.  As a result, having a roadmap not only provides clear steps needed to achieve Net Zero goals, but also builds stakeholder confidence and supports Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related factors.

Net Zero Consulting Services

Carbon Emissions Mapping

Gain accurate insights into your organizational greenhouse gas footprint across all scopes (1, 2, & 3) with our tailored analysis and reporting tools.

Decarbonization Roadmap

We craft a practical and future-proof strategy for achieving Net Zero, prioritizing actionable steps, investment plans, and potential technology integrations.

Transition to Net Zero

Implementation of roadmap, tackling operational challenges, navigating policy landscapes, and securing buy-in across your organization.

Helping You Achieve Net Zero

We understand the journey to Net Zero is unique for each business. That’s why we collaborate closely with you, offering:

Tailored Solutions

Tailored Solutions

We design strategies and services that seamlessly integrate with your existing operations and industry context.

Deep Expertise

Deep Expertise

Our team comprises seasoned sustainability consultants, engineers, and data analysts equipped to tackle complex challenges across all sectors.

Data-Driven Approach

Data-Driven Approach

We leverage robust data analysis and modeling to guide your decisions, track progress, and ensure tangible results.

Collaborative Partnership

Collaborative Partnership

We work as an extension of your team, fostering open communication, shared ownership, and lasting impact.

Embracing Net Zero isn’t just about compliance; it’s an opportunity to future-proof your business, enhance brand reputation, attract talent, and unlock innovative growth potential. We’re here to guide you every step of the way, making your Net Zero journey not just achievable, but transformative.

Ready to take meaningful action on your Net Zero journey?