
"A platform for Climate Literacy & Skilling"

AI-powered Micro-Learning Exchange Platform

HARIT2050 is an innovative AI-powered e-Microlearning Experience Platform (eMXP) dedicated to fostering a Green Skills Economy. We aim to develop a sustainable workforce aligned with global sustainability goals and create 5 million green jobs by 2050. By providing hyper-personalized, accessible learning experiences validated by leading industry organizations HARIT2050 aims to lead the charge toward a zero-carbon future.

Green Skills Opportunity:

The growing emphasis on sustainability and the need for a green-skilled workforce presents a significant market opportunity. As industries pivot towards more sustainable practices, there is an increasing demand for upskilling in green technologies, renewable energy, and sustainability practices.

Transforming Learning for Sustainability

  • Access & Identify

    HARIT2050 helps users access knowledge and identify their specific training needs to embark on a personalized learning journey.

  • Design & Create

    The platform facilitates the design and creation of training programs that are tailored to the organization's sustainability goals.

  • Continuous Learning

    HARIT2050 supports ongoing learning through milestone-driven journeys, ensuring that users stay up-to-date with the latest green skills and technologies.

Empowering Corporations and SMEs

  • Tailored Solutions

    HARIT2050 provides customized learning experiences and bundled offerings to cater to the specific needs of organizations, whether they are large corporations or small-to-medium enterprises.

  • Learning and Development Focus

    The platform targets corporate Learning and Development departments that are committed to achieving net-zero goals, helping them upskill their workforce and drive sustainable practices.

  • Influencer-Driven Marketing

    HARIT2050 leverages the power of influential thought leaders and experts to promote the platform and its benefits, ensuring a wider reach and greater engagement with its target audience.

  • Byte-Sized Content

    The platform's focus on short, impactful content makes it easy for busy professionals to consume and apply the knowledge, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Learning Formats:

  • Micro-Credentials:

    Focused, bite-sized certifications on specific green skills.

  • Short Videos:

    Engaging, quick learning modules.

  • Instructor-Led Sessions:

    Traditional learning with expert guidance.

  • On-Demand Courses:

    Flexible modules available anytime for self-paced learning.

How platform is solving the climate crisis?

Get Individual Advice from us

Finding the right way to reach your sustainability goals can seem overwhelming. Get in touch to explore how our solution can be tailored to suit your needs